Ask a CO: What is the minimal data an angler or hunter should legally present a Conservation Officer?

Ask a CO: What is the minimal data an angler or hunter should legally present a Conservation Officer?

Ask a CO: What is the minimal data an angler or hunter should legally present a Conservation Officer?

Q: During an interplay with a Conservation Officer, what’s the minimal data an angler or hunter should legally present?

James Anderson, North Bay

A: Under the Fish and Wildlife Conservation Act, 1997, any one who is the holder of a licence or authorization, or an outdoor card, should produce it upon the request of a conservation officer. In the case of anglers and hunters, they might legally be required to be carrying each their outdoor card (if relevant) and their licence or a doc that’s “deemed” a sport fishing licence, reminiscent of authorities identification that reveals somebody is over 65 years of age and a resident of Canada.

Aside from licences, an angler or hunter who’s checked by a Conservation Officer is required to reply any questions which are related to the inspection, reminiscent of, what number of fish has the particular person caught, and produce for inspection any fish, wildlife, firearms, ammunition or different factor that’s related, for instance, bait getting used for fishing.

ANSWER BY: David Critchlow, Provincial Enforcement Specialist, MNRF

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Originally printed within the Fall 2021 subject of Ontario OUT of DOORS journal. Ask a CO can be a daily function within the print version.

Please test the latest Ontario searching and fishing laws summaries, as guidelines and laws can change.

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