Cocktails at Home: Four Seasons S’mores Milk Punch

Cocktails at Home: Four Seasons S’mores Milk Punch

With the vacation season proper across the nook, now’s the time to seek out your favourite cocktails to make at dwelling this vacation season. The lovely Chandelier Bar at Four Seasons Hotel New Orleans has debuted a vacation twist on milk punch, which is a outstanding cocktail in New Orleans and cocktail tradition worldwide.


“In New Orleans, the Milk Punch is practically a holiday in itself. At brunches all over the city you’ll find scores of people enjoying this classic New Orleans eye-opener. Our version, perfect for the holiday season, embraces memories of a childhood campfire with a cocktail that is both bold and decadent. There’s a lot of ways to make drinking with friends less serious and more fun, and our S’mores Milk Punch is just the first of many ways that we want to bring fun back into cocktail bars.” says Hadi Ktiri, Beverage Director, Four Seasons Hotel New Orleans



S’mores Milk Punch

A boozy, hearth enjoyment of a glass


1 1/2 oz Bourbon Whiskey

3/4 oz Tempus Fugit Creme de Cacao

1 oz heavy cream

1/4 oz easy syrup

See Also



– Shake and pressure into an old school glass

– Top with mini marshmallows and flambé

– Top toasted marshmallows with graham cracker and shaved nutmeg

Kimberly Fisher

Kimberly Fisher is a Pursuitist contributor. As a contract author and on-camera host, Kimberly has traveled the world and has printed over 400 articles in over 44 publications together with Sherman’s Travel, Huffington Post, SimplyLuxe, Luxury Lifestyles UK, eHow, Examiner, Food Wine Travel Magazine, Luxe Beat, NiteGuide, Ocean View, and USA Today. Disclosure: Kimberly is below contract with Casa Del Sol.


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